We believe our products are of unrivaled quality and unparalleled taste and we think you’ll agree. If you experience a problem with your order, please contact us within 48 hours of the time of delivery. We will do our best to address the issue in a timely fashion. Replacement or refund will only be issued with prior authorization from our customer service team. Some exceptions to our being able to issue a replacement or refund include:


  • Not contacting us within 48 hours of product delivery.
  • Product was delivered on time, but not refrigerated by customer in a timely manner.
  • Products were delivered as described on our website, but customer simply did not care for the “taste” of the product or it did not meet their “expectations”.
  • Customer provided an incorrect delivery address when placing the order.
  • Customer selected products or quantities in error.

Once your order leaves our facility, we cannot be held responsible for any lost, stolen, damaged or delayed deliveries. We ask that you file a claim with the shipping company if any of the above situations occur.

If you have any questions concerning our ordering or shipping policies, please feel free to contact us here