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Our “Wildcard Match:”
Chicken Supremo & Smoked Chorizo

by | Jul 19, 2021

In this, our third and final installment of the “Great Grillers” series, we feature two flavorful sausages that couldn’t be more different.  As different as they may be, they have one thing in common – they aren’t what you’d call your “typical” grillers. Here at Josef’s we think having a little variety on the grill is a great thing.  Afterall, you know what they say – variety is the spice of life!  

So let’s get this party started and be sure to leave some room on the grill for these two overlooked and underestimated contenders in the ultimate battle for the brats!

Chicken Supremo

Although it probably won’t win any awards for being the most beautiful looking sausage, it certainly will rank up there as one of the most flavorful.  Don’t let it’s skinny looks fool you – it’s packed full of zesty herbs and spices that will have your taste buds dancing in delight.         Made from premium chicken thigh meat, it’s not only flavorful but super juicy and easy on the waistline. At only 90 calories per link, you don’t have to feel guilty when you go back for seconds (or thirds!).


  • Salad Topping: There’s nothing better than a great summertime salad with fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, and onions picked straight out of the garden. The only thing missing is the protein. We’ve got the solution to your protein problems with this beautiful brat!  At  14g of protein per link, you’ll get your fill and them some!
  • Chicken & Veggie Skillet:  Here’s a way to get your kids to actually want to eat their vegetables!  Just cut up some Josef’s Artisan Chicken Supremo sausage and throw it in a skillet with a bit of olive oil. Once lightly browned, add your favorite summer veggies (Squash, tomatoes, peppers, onions, zucchini, etc.)  Cook until the veggies reduce and most of the juice has cooked off and you’ve got yourself the perfect quick and healthy dinner the whole family will love!
  • Grilled Onions & Peppers: The Italian-esk herbs and spices in our Chicken Supremo make for a fantastic healthy alternative to the Italian pork sausage.  Put it in an Italian hoagie roll – you know, the ones with the sesame seeds on top – and slap on a healthy heaping of these sautéed goodies and you’ll be in hoagie heaven!

Smoked Chorizo

This sausage with a Spanish flair is made with coarsely chopped pork and combined with high quality seasonings such as chili powder, paprika, and garlic. It’s a hearty sausage with a distinctive, punchy flavor that just gets better when flame grilled..  We realize it’s not the first sausage that comes to mind when you’re in the grilling mood, but once you give it a try on the barbie you’ll never go back!


  • Paella: Considered a true Spanish staple, Paella is traditionally made with seafood.  However, we found a terrific recipe that integrates Smoked Chorizo sausage into the mix for a truly delicious spin on this traditional dish.  Click here to be taken to the recipe – you can thank us later!
  • Breakfast Burrito: If you’re looking for a change up from the same ole omelette for breakfast, we’ve got just the thing.  Remove the casing from a link of Chorizo, dice it up and throw it in a pan with a few eggs, onions, peppers, and cheese.  Heck, why not throw some bacon in there while you’re at it!  Scramble it all together and throw it on a tortilla and vuala, you’ve got yourself one out of this world breakfast.  We promise your tastebuds will be doing the paso doble after one bite!
  • Skewers: Instead of using the same boring chicken in your summer BBQ skewers, why not change it up by using Josef’s Artisan Chorizo instead?  Slice it nice and thick, and add some onions, peppers, and even some summer squash for a quick and tasty summertime meal that will have everyone saying muy bien!

Josef’s Expert Grilling Tips

✓ Don’t overcook!

Our brats come fully cooked, so they don’t need much time on the grill.

✓ Cook over medium-low heat.

We realize that’s vague, but there are an awful lot of types of grills out there.

✓ Cook for about 10-12 minutes.

Again, maintain a medium-low heat. Turn the sausages often, or until heated through. (We won’t laugh if you cut a brat in half to taste-test it!)

Why Buy Josef’s Brand?

Because we’re awesome! For real, we are, but if you need some reasons, here you go:
  • All of our products are handmade by Josef himself, a master sausage maker, and his team of carefully trained, highly skilled craftsmen.
  • Our bratwursts and other products are made with no nitrates, phosphates or MSG.
  • We don’t use any cheap fillers or additives – only ingredients of the highest quality.
  • We take freshness seriously – our products are made and shipped immediately.

Chicken Supremo

Fully cooked in sheep casing, these chicken sausages are a riot of color , spiced with oregano, garlic basil, fennel seeds and parmesan cheese.

Chicken Supremo Award Josef's Artisan Meats

Smoked Chorizo

This best-selling sausage is made with coarsely ground pork and seasoned with authentic Cajun spices. Perfect for those who can handle a little heat!

Chorizo Sausage Award Josef's Artisan Meats

An unbeatable bundle for your next bbq

Here’s your chance to get your hands on some of Josef’s favorite summer grillers at a price that’s too delicious to pass up.

Get all six of the internationally award winning brats featured in our Great Griller series bundled together for a special price.

Click the link below to order or for more information.  Don’t wait – this deal is only for a limited time!